
Topic Introduction
Sìde nan seachd sian
Weather of the seven elements
Section 1
Sìde chaochlaideach
Changeable weather
Section 2
Coimeas is cinnt
Similarity and certainty
Section 3
A' toirt an aire
Paying attention
Section 4
Às dèidh nan stoirmean
After the storms
Section 5
Àrainneachd - Dèanta!
Environment - Dèanta!
Section 6
Topic 3 (B1) Environment Àrainneachd
Fàilte air ais!
Tha sinn cho toilichte gu bheil thu an seo airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le SpeakGaelic.
In this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about Àrainneachd (Environment).
You’ll learn how to:
- talk about weather events | a' bruidhinn air tachartasan aimsire
- talk about the natural environment | a' bruidhinn mun àrainneachd nàdarra
- discuss seasonal and yearly changes in the weather | a' bruidhinn mu atharrachaidhean ràitheil agus bliadhnail san aimsir
- give views and opinions about the weather | a' toirt seachad beachdan agus barailean mun aimsir
- say why you think something | ag ràdh carson a tha thu a' smaoineachadh rudeigin
You’ll also learn about:
- the prepositional pronoun with ÀS: ASAM, ASAD, ÀS, AISTE, ASAINN, ASAIBH, ASTA | riochdair roimhearach le ÀS: ASAM, ASAD, ÀS, AISTE, ASAINN, ASAIBH, ASTA
- prepositional idioms: CINNTEACH ÀS | gnàthsan roimhearach: CINNTEACH ÀS
- compound prepositions: ÀS DÈIDH | roimhearan fillte: ÀS DÈIDH
- regular verbs: past tense and future tense | gnìomhairean riaghailteach: an tràth caithte agus an tràth teachdail
- Bilingual transcription: Aimsir is àrainneachd
- Bilingual transcription: Àrainneachd
- Bilingual transcription: Stafainn Dhiùrasach
- Bilingual transcription: Às dèidh
- Bilingual transcription: Àrainneachd