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Na b' fheàrr no na bu mhiosa?

Better or worse before?

If we’re talking about the environment in Scotland, we need to learn some new vocabulary. You’ll see some new words in the table below.

coille (f)

wood, forest


land, ground


peat, peat–bog, moor


moor, moorland


peat bank


earth, ground

We learnt about gnìomhairean riaghailteach (regular verbs) and gnìomhairean neo–riaghailteach (irregular verbs) in the past tense in A1 and A2.

An do dh’atharraich an t-sìde ann an Alba?✅ Dh’atharraich⛔ Cha do dh’atharraich
Did the weather change in Scotland?✅ It did (change).⛔ It didn’t (change).
An do dh’fhàs tuiltean na bu mhiosa?✅ Dh’fhàs.⛔ Cha do dh’fhàs.
Did the floods get worse?✅ They did (get worse).⛔ They didn’t (get worse).
An do bhlàthaich deigh na h–Artaig an–uiridh?✅ Bhlàthaich.⛔ Cha do bhlàthaich.
Did the Arctic ice warm/melt last year?✅ It did (warm).⛔ It didn’t (warm).
An do mhill sinn an t–àite glèidhteachais?✅ Mhill.⛔ Cha do mhill.
Did we damage the conservation area?✅ We did (damage).⛔ We didn’t (damage).

An do dh’atharraich an t–sìde ann an Alba? 

Did the weather change in Scotland?

An do dh’fhàs tuiltean na bu mhiosa?

Did the floods get worse?

An do bhlàthaich deigh na h–Artaig an–uiridh?

Did the Arctic ice warm/melt last year?

An do mhill sinn an t–àite glèidhteachais?

Did we damage the conservation area?


Feumaidh an talamh a chuid fhèin

Death is inevitable [lit. The earth must have its share]