Feminine nouns
fear mòr na feusaige duibhe
the big black–bearded man
tè àrd na cluaise mòire
the tall woman with the [lit. of the] big ears
balach beag na h–aghaidhe brèagha
the small boy with the [lit. of the] beautiful face
nighean bhòidheach na sròine bige
the pretty girl with the small nose [lit. the pretty girl of the small nose]
Masculine nouns
fear mòr an fhuilt dhuibh
the big black–haired man
tè àrd a’ chinn mhòir
the tall woman with the [lit. of the] large head
balach beag an aodainn bhrèagha
the little boy with the [lit. of the] beautiful face
nighean bhòidheach an fhuilt ruaidh
the pretty red–haired girl
We have now met all the tuislean (cases). As we saw already, the adjective also changes in the possessive (genitive) case. We’ll look at all the rules here.
first letter | article | example: |
b,c,g,m,p | a’ _h | a’ ghlùin mhòr |
f | an _h | an fheusag bhàn |
sl,sn,sr,s+vowel | an t- | an t–sròn cham |
–other– | an | an imleag bheag |
b,c,g,m,p | a’ _h | air a’ ghlùin mhòir |
f | an _h | san fheusaig bhàin |
sl,sn,sr,s+vowel | an t– | air an t–sròin chaim |
–other– | an | air an imleig bhig |
Consonant | na | na glùine mòire |
… na feusaige bàine | ||
… na sròine caime | ||
Vowel | na h– | … na h–imleige bige |
b,f,m,p | am | am broilleach beag |
am falt bàn | ||
Vowel | an t– | an t–aodann bòidheach |
–other– | an | an slugan fosgailte |
b,c,g,m,p | a’ _h | air a’ bhroilleach bheag |
f | an _h | san fhalt bhàn |
sl,sn,sr,s+vowel | an t– | san t–slugan fhosgailte |
–other– | an | air an aodann bhòidheach |
b,c,g,m,p | a’ _h | … a’ bhroillich bhig |
f | an _h | … an fhuilt bhàin |
sl,sn,sr,s+vowel | an t– | … an t–slugain fhosgailte |
–other– | an | … an aodainn bhòidhich |