The Body

Topic 4 (B1) The Body A' Bhodhaig

Fàilte air ais!

Tha sinn cho toilichte gu bheil thu air tilleadh airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le SpeakGaelic. 

In this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about A' Bhodhaig (The Body).

You’ll learn how to:

  • talk about parts of the body and people's appearance | a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn pàirtean den bhodhaig agus coltas dhaoine
  • use idioms to talk about parts of the body | a' cleachdadh ghnàthasan ann a bhith a' bruidhinn mu phàirtean den bhodhaig
  • use THOIR and SÙIL idiomatically | a' cleachdadh THOIR agus SÙIL gu gnàthasach
  • describe people's appearance and attitude | a' toirt cunntas air coltas is beachd dhaoine
  • use masculine and feminine nouns in the nominal (nominative) case | a' cleachdadh ainmearan fireann is boireann san tuiseal ainmneach
  • talk about parts of the body and people's appearance | a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn pàirtean den bhodhaig agus coltas dhaoine

You’ll also learn about:

  • The dative case and the possessive (genitive) case | An tuiseal tabhartach agus an tuiseal ginideach
  • Agreeing: the possessive (genitive) case with adjectives | Aontachadh: an tuiseal ginideach le buadhairean
  • Regular and Irregular verbs: past tense; future tense; conditional tense | Gnìomhairean riaghailteach is neo–riaghailteach: tràth caithte, tràth teachdail, tràth cumhach
  • Prepositional clauses: AIR AN ROBH; AIR A BHEIL; AIR AM BI | Clàsan roimhearach; AIR AN ROBH; AIR A BHEIL; AIR AM BI
  • Bilingual transcription: Pairtean dhen bhodhaig
  • Bilingual transcription: A' Bhodhaig
  • Bilingual transcription: A' Bhodhaig