It is horrible

Tha i grànda

Questions and answers about the weather.

Ciamar a tha an aimsir?
How is the weather?
Tha i blàth
It is warm
Ciamar a tha an t-sìde?
How is the weather?
Tha i fuar
It is cold
Cò ris a tha an aimsir coltach?
What is the weather like?
Tha i grànda
It is horrible
Cò ris a tha an t-sìde coltach?
What is the weather like?
Tha i stoirmeil
It is stormy
Ciamar a tha an aimsir?
How is the weather?
Tha i sgòthach
It is cloudy
Ciamar a tha an t-sìde?
How is the weather?
Tha i teth
It is hot
Cò ris a tha an aimsir coltach?
What is the weather like?
Tha i ciùin
It is calm
Tha i gaothach
It is windy