Bilingual transcription - New home: the weather
Bilingual transcription - Dachaigh ùr: An aimsir
The neighbours discuss the weather.
Tha an t-sìde àlainn an-diugh, nach eil.
The weather is lovely today isn’t it.
Tha. Tha i brèagha is blàth.
Yes. It’s lovely and warm.
Nach eil i brèagha a Mhàrtainn?
Isn’t it lovely Màrtainn?
Tha an aimsir math an-diugh.
It is warm today.
Bha i fuar an-dè.
It was cold yesterday.
Agus, bha i fliuch a-raoir.
And it was wet last night.
Tha i tioram an-diugh.
It’s dry today.
Tha i blàth an-diugh.
It’s warm today.
Tha, tha i blàth.
Yes, it is warm.
Tha a’ ghrian ann!
It’s sunny!
Tha i tioram!
It’s dry!
Tha i brèagha!
It’s lovely!
Tha i àlainn!
It is lovely!
Agus, tha i ciùin.
And it’s settled.