Take two: I will tell him
An dàrna turas: Innsidh mi dha
Let's return to our conversation.

Haidh. A bheil Fionnlagh ag obair an-diugh?
Hi. Is Finlay working today?

Tha, ach tha e a-muigh a' dràibheadh. A bheil thu airson brath/fios/teachdaireachd fhàgail?
He is, but he's out driving. Do you want to leave a message?

Tha. 'S e Màiri a th' ann. An innis thu dha gun d' fhuair sinn na rudan buidhe? Chòrd iad ris a h-uile duine.
I do. It's Màiri. Will you tell him that we got the yellow things? Everyone liked them.

Glè mhath.
Very good.

An innis thu sin do dh'Fhionnlagh, mas e ur toil e?
Will you tell Finlay that, please?

Innsidh mi dha.
I will tell him.

Agus an can thu ris gum bi mi ag iarraidh tuilleadh, mas bhios iad aige?
And would (will) you say to him that I will be wanting more, if he has them?

Canaidh mi sin ris.
I'll say that to him.

Mòran taing. Mar sin leibh an-dràsta.
Many thanks. Goodbye for now.

Cò bha siud air a' fòn?
Who was that on the phone?

'S e Màiri a bh' ann.
That was Màiri.

Dè thuirt i?
What did she say?

Dh'fhàg i brath dhut.
She left a message for you.

Glè mhath. Fònaidh mi air ais thuice co-dhiù.
Very good. I'll phone her back anyway.