An t-àite-obrach
The Workplace

The Workplace
An t-àite-obrach
Topic Introduction
Dreachdan dhaoine
People's professions
Section 1
Àitichean obrach
Section 2
Ag obair bhon dachaigh
Working at home
Section 3
Section 4
An obair fhèin
The work itself
Section 5
Section 6
A' siubhal a dh'obair
Travelling to work
Section 7
Obraichean dèanta
Completed jobs
Section 8
An t-àite-obrach - dèanta
The workplace - complete
Section 9
Topic 7 (A2) An t-àite-obrach The Workplace
Sin thu fhèin!
In A1 Cuspair 7, we looked at obair (work), and in this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about an t‑àite‑obrach (the workplace).
You’ll learn how to:
- A' bruidhinn air an obair a tha aig daoine eile | Talking about other people's work
- Obair air-loidhne | working online
- A' bruidhinn air àitichean‑obrach | Talking about workplaces
- Ag obair bhon dachaigh | Working in the home
- A' bruidhinn air an obair fhèin | Talking about the work
- A' bruidhinn air na thuirt daoine eile is na chanas daoine riutha | Talking about what people said and what people will say to them
- A' siubhal don àite‑obrach | Travelling to the workplace
- A' bruidhinn air rudan dèanta | Talking about completed things
You’ll also learn about:
- Gam, nam, lem, rim
- Na gnìomhairean CAN, RUIG agus BEIR san tràth chaithte agus theachdail; Thuirt/Canaidh | The verbs CAN, RUIG and BEIR in the past and future tense Thuirt/Canaidh
- Structaran le AIR airson rudan dèanta | Structures with AIR for completed items
- Bilingual transcription - Dachaigh: obraichean
- Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: obraichean