Gaelic technology

Teicneòlas Gàidhlig

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Answer the questions asked below. Remember that you can always save this in your bookmarks and come back to it later.

Dè nì an teicneòlas a chruthaich am buidheann rannsachaidh GARG?
What does the technology  that the research group GARG has created do?
Dè an ìre aig a bheil am pròiseact an–dràsta?
What stage is the project at just now?
Dè tha sònraichte mun dearbhair–litreachaidh aca?
What is special about their spellchecker?
Dè nì an siostam aithneachaidh–chainnte?
What does the speech recognition system do?
Here are the answers to the questions:

Dè nì an teicneòlas a chruthaich am buidheann rannsachaidh GARG?

Nì e eadar–theangachadh beò air a' Ghàidhlig.
It makes [will make] live translations of Gaelic.

Dè an ìre aig a bheil am pròiseact an–dràsta?

Tha e aig ìre paidhleat.
It's at pilot stage.

Dè tha sònraichte mun dearbhair–litreachaidh aca?

'S e dearbhair–litreachaidh gu math luath agus gu math èifeachdach a th' ann.
It's a fast and efficient spellchecker.

Dè nì an siostam aithneachaidh–chainnte?

Bidh e ag èisteachd ri Gàidhlig, ga bruidhinn agus ga sgrìobhadh sìos mar theacsa.
It listens to Gaelic being spoken and then writes it down as text.
A bheil dearbhair–litreachaidh Gàidhlig agad air a' choimpiutair/fòn–làimhe agad?
Do you have a Gaelic spellchecker on your computer or mobile phone?
Dè do bheachd air fo–thiotalan Beurla? A bheil iad gad chuideachadh no am biodh fo–thiotalan Gàidhlig na b' fheàrr?
What do you think of English subtitles? Do they help you or would Gaelic subtitles be better?