Topic 44
Topic Introduction
A' cleachdadh teicneòlas
Using technology
Section 1
Teicneòlas ùr
New technology
Section 2
Riatanach is neo-riatanach
Necessary and unnecessary
Section 3
Teicneòlas is innleachd
Technology and invention
Section 4
Teicneòlas – Dèanta!
Technology - Dèante!
Section 5
Topic 18 (B1) Technology Teicneòlas
Fàilte air ais!
Tha sinn cho toilichte gu bheil thu air tilleadh airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le SpeakGaelic.
In this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about Teicneòlas (Technology).
You’ll learn how to:
- a' bruidhinn mu theicneòlas agus a chleachdadh anns a' Ghàidhlig | talking about and using technology in Gaelic
- a' bruidhinn mu theicneòlas ùr agus innleachdan ùra | discussing new technology and innovations
- a' bruidhinn mu na buannachdan agus na cunnartan a bhios an lùib teicneòlais | discussing the benefits and dangers of technology
- a' bruidhinn mu na meadhanan sòisealta agus na buannachdan is cunnartan a bhios nan lùib | discussing social media and its benefits and dangers
- ag ràdh dè an teicneòlas agus na meadhanan sòisealta a bhios mi a' cleachdadh | saying what technology and social media I use
You’ll also learn about:
- cuideam le -SA: NAM BHEACHD-SA | emphasis with -SA: NAM BHEACHD-SA
- gnìomhairean riaghailteach: an tràth caithte/teachdail/cumhach | Regular verbs: past/future/conditional tense
- an gnìomhair FEUM a-rithist | the verb FEUM again
- buadhairean coimeasach is feabhasach a-rithist | comparative and superlative adjectives again
- Bilingual transcription: A' taidhpeadh
- Bilingual transcription: Sìth Chailleann
- Bilingual transcription: Cuideam
- Bilingual transcription: A' cur dheth
- Bilingual transcription: Teicneòlas