Beside me

Rim thaobh

Whereas in English we can use a compound preposition with a pronoun (me, you, him/her, etc), in Gaelic we need to use a form which combines it with the possessive adjective ( mo, do, a, a h–, ar (n–), ur (n–), an ). 

Instead of ri taobh + mi, in Gaelic we would say ri mo thaobh, or rim thaobh .

ri taobh + mi (mo) rim thaobh 
ri taobh + tu (do) rid thaobh 
ri taobh + e (a) ri thaobh 
ri taobh + i (a h–) ri taobh 
ri taobh + sinn (ar) ri ar taobh 
ri taobh + sibh (ur) ri ur taobh 
ri taobh + iad (an) rin taobh 
Nach fhaca tu i? Bha i dìreach mu do choinneamh!
Didn't you see her? She was just opposite you!
Ma thèid thusa às mo dhèidh bidh thu ri mo thaobh.
If you go after me you'll be by my side.
Cò tha nan suidhe ri do thaobh air a' bhus?
Who is sitting beside you on the bus?
'S e balach òg a tha na shuidhe rim thaobh air a' bhus.
It's a little boy who's sitting beside me on the bus.
Cò bhios nan suidhe ri thaobh aig obair?
Who is sitting beside him at his work?
Chan eil duine nan suidhe ri thaobh aig obair.
No–one is sitting beside him at his work.
Cò tha a' fuireach ri ur taobh air an t–sràid agaibh?
Who is living beside you on your street?
'S e nàbaidhean a tha a' fuireach ri ar taobh air an t–sràid againn.
It's neighbours who live beside us on our street.