Fill in the blanks
Lìon na beàrnan
A bheil e _________ no _________a bhith ag òl deoch–làidir ann am pàirc,far a bheil thusa a' fuireach? | |
Is it legal or illegal to drink alcohol in a park where you live? | |
A bheil thu _________no _________ mun t–suidheachadh phoileataigeach anns an dùthaich agad fhèin an–dràsta? | |
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the current political situation in your own country? | |
Dè na _________no na _________ mun obair agad fhèin? | |
What are the advantages or disadvantages about your own work? |
Agus seo dhut na freagairtean!
And here are the
A bheil e laghail no mi–laghail a bhith ag òl deoch–làidir ann am pàirc, far a bheil thusa a' fuireach? |
Is it legal or illegal to drink alcohol in a park where you live? |
A bheil thu dòchasach no eu–dòchasach mun t–suidheachadh phoileataigeach anns an dùthaich agad fhèin an–dràsta? |
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the current political situation in your own country? |
Dè na buannachdan no na h– eas–bhuannachdan mun obair agad fhèin? |
What are the advantages or disadvantages about your own work? |
Why don't you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking friend, you could do this together. It will be fun—siuthad!
Dè do bheachd? | What do you think?
Dè cho cothromach 's a tha an saoghal againn?
How fair is our world?
Ma chì thu rudeigin ceàrr, an cuir thu an aghaidh neo–ionannachd?
If you see something wrong, do you stand up against inequality?
A bheil beachd agad air dùthaich far a bheil cùisean co–ionann?
Do you have an opinion/idea of a country where things are equal?
A bheil thu a' smaoineachadh gu bheil an dùthaich agad a' fàs nas
Do you think your country is becoming more progressive?
It is well worth checking out the BBC Bitesize website where you can find more information on Sòisealtas (Society) .