Fairness and equality
Cothromachd is co–ionnanachd
Deiseil? | Ready?
In this section, you'll have a gentle introduction to talking about Cothromachd is co–ionnanachd (Fairness and equality).
By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:
- Cothromachd agus ion–ghabhaltas | Fairness and inclusion
- A' bruidhinn air roghainnean is a' cleachdadh ainmearan le ro–leasachain àicheil | Talking about options and using nouns with negative prefixes
You will also learn about:
- ro–leasachain àicheil: MÌ–, NEO–, EAS–, AO–, DÌ–, EU– | • negative prefixes: MÌ–, NEO–, EAS–, AO–, DÌ–, EU–
Is coma leam comann an òil.
I don't care for the friendship made drinking.