Fairness and equality – Dèanta!
Cothromachd is co–ionnanachd — Dèanta!
You should now be confident about:
- Cothromachd agus ion–ghabhaltas | Fairness and inclusion
- A' bruidhinn air roghainnean is a' cleachdadh ainmearan le ro–leasachain àicheil | Talking about options and using nouns with negative prefixes
You should also be confident about:
- ro–leasachain àicheil: MÌ–, NEO–, EAS–, AO–, DÌ–, EU– | negative prefixes: MÌ–, NEO–, EAS–, AO–, DÌ–, EU–
You have learnt to talk about Cothromachd is co–ionnanachd (Fairness and equality) in Gaelic! Why not take this mini–test to see how well you're doing?
Why not move on to talk about An lagh agus eucoir (The law and crime)?