There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Cothromachd is co–ionnanachd (Fairness and equality) . Let's look at some of them again in context.
chan urrainn dhuinn ar cùl a chur ri …
we can't turn our backs on …
… an tèid thu an aghaidh neo–ionannachd?
… will you / do you? confront/oppose inequality?
neo–ionannachd, ana–cheartas agus mì–riaghladh
inequality, injustice and misgovernment
buannachdan, dòchas is ionnanachd
advantages/benefits, hope and equality
eas–bhuannachdan, eu–dòchas no neo–ionannachd
disadvantages, hopelessness or inequality
… a bha a' strì airson ceartas
… who were fighting for justice
laghan ùra a bheireadh co–ionnanachd agus …
new laws that would give equality and …
còraichean dhan mhòr–shluagh!
rights to the people (proletariat)!
Dè cho cothromach ’s a tha…?
How fair is …?
Chan eil cothromachd ann!
There's no fairness/equality!
sòisealtas co–ionnan
an equal society
ag obair gu saor–thoileach do charthannas
volunteering for a charity
a' toirt biadh, cùram agus furan
providing food, care and shelter (welcome)
dhan fheadhainn a tha gun dachaigh
to those who are without a home (homeless)
We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.