Gu or chun?
Gu no chun?
See if you can work out how to fill the gaps with the word gu or chun in the correct form.
Tha sinn a' dol _________________ . | bothan beag |
Chaidh mi ____________________ . | am bothan beag |
Nach tèid sibh _________________ ? | an eaglais mhòr |
Falbhaidh mi __________________ . | tràigh bhrèagha |
Dh'fhalbh a' chlann _____________ . | an sgoil Ghàidhlig ùr |
And here are the answers for you!
Tha sinn a' dol gu bothan beag.
We are going to a little bothy.
Chaidh mi chun a' bhothain bhig.
I went to the little bothy.
Nach tèid sibh chun na h–eaglaise mòire?
Won't we go to the big church?
Falbhaidh mi gu tràigh bhrèagha.
I will go to a beautiful beach.
Dh'fhalbh a' chlann chun na sgoile Gàidhlig ùire .
The children went to the new Gaelic school.