
Topic 15 (B1) Travel Siubhal
Sin thu fhèin!
Tha sinn cho toilichte gu bheil thu air tilleadh airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le SpeakGaelic.
In this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about Siubhal (Travel).
You’ll learn how to:
- A' bruidhinn mu na planaichean siubhail as fheàrr leam | talking about my ideal travel plans
- ag ràdh càite an tèid mi agus carson | saying where I will go and why
- ag ràdh mar a bhithinn a' siubhal agus dè a dhèanainn nuair a bhithinn ann | saying how I would travel and what I would do when there
- a' cleachdadh co–ghnìomhairean àite airson bruidhinn mu shiubhal | using adverbs of place to talk about travel
- ag ràdh cò bhiodh a' siubhal còmhla rium | saying who I would travel with
- ag ràdh cò nach bithinn a' siubhal às aonais | saying who I wouldn't travel without
You’ll also learn about:
- gnìomhairean neo–riaghailteach: an tràth caithte/teachdail/cumhach | irregular verbs: past/future/conditional tense
- roimhearan fillte: ÀS AONAIS | compound prepositions: ÀS AONAIS
- co–ghnìomhairean àite: A–NULL, A–NALL, A–BHOS, THALL | adverbs of place: A–NULL, A–NALL, A–BHOS, THALL
- CHUN + an tuiseal ginideach | CHUN + the genitive (possessive) case
- Bilingual transcription: Nam b' urrainn dhut ...
- Bilingual transcription: Aig an stèisean
- Bilingual transcription: Co-ghnìomhairean àite
- Bilingual transcription: Rachainn a Chanada
- Bilingual transcription: Siubhal