Feuch e: Going over to Mull for a jaunt

Feuch e: A' falbh a–null a Mhuile airson splaoid

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Agus càit an deach sibh thall an sin?

And where did you go over there?

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Chaidh sinn sìos dhan Ros Mhuileach gu ruige Eilean Ì. Bha againn ri aiseag fhaighinn a–null thairis, tha thu a' tuigsinn. We went down to the Ross of Mull as far as Iona. We had to get a ferry across to there, you understand.
Chaidh sinn suas gu Tobar Mhoire, agus fhuair sinn aiseag eile a–null thairis gu Cille Chòmhain air tìr–mòr. We went up to Tobermory, and then we took/got another ferry across to Kilchoan on the mainland.
Cha deach sinn a dh'àite ach dh'fhuirich sinn thall ann an Creag an Iubhair fad an latha. We didn't go anywhere but we stayed over in Craignure all day.