Bilingual transcription - Online: Clothes
Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: Aodach
Ailis, Anndra, Seumas and Catrìona all meet up online to discuss clothes.
Is toil leam do sheacaid a Sheumais.
I like your jacket, James.
Tapadh leat.
Thank you.
An robh thu anns na bùithtean?
Were you in the shops?
Cha robh mi anns na bùithtean. Cheannaich mi an t-seacaid air-loidhne.
I wasn’t in the shops. I bought the jacket online.
Dè do bheachd air a seo a Sheumais?
What do you think of this James?
Ò! Tha sin…. dathach. Ehm, dè th’ ann?
Oh that’s… colourful. Ehm, what is it?
A Sheumais! Sgiorta, sgiorta ghoirid - sgiorta bhrèagha.
James! It’s a skirt, a short skirt – a lovely skirt.
Dè na tha sgiorta a’ cosg, Ailis?
What does a skirt cost, Alice?
Tha sgiorta mar seo mu dhà not agus caogad sgillinn.
A skirt like this costs about £2.50.
Tha i glè bhrèagha. Cheannaich mise rud anns na bùithtean. Tha bùithtean spaideil ann am Madrid. Dè ur bheachd air an ad?
It’s very nice. I bought something in the shops. There are smart shops in Madrid. What do you think of the hat?
O ’s toil leam sin.
Oh I like that.
Ad le dathan eireachdail. Chosg i trichead ‘s a còig notaichean.
A hat with lovely colours. It cost £35.
Seo an ad as fheàrr leam. Bidh an ad seo orm anns an làraidh!
This is my favourite hat. I wear the hat in the lorry.
Hmm, chan eil i cho spaideil! Ach tha i a’ coimhead math ort.
Hmm, it’s not quite so smart. But it looks good on you.
An robh thu anns na bùithtean Anndra?
Have you been to the shops Andrew?
Bha mi anns na bùithtean. Cheannaich mi taidh. Dè ur beachd?
I was in the shops. I bought a tie. What do you think?
Ò, is toil leam na dathan.
Oh I like the colours.
Dè na bha an taidh?
How much was the tie?
Bha an taidh seo fichead 's a còig notaichean.
This tie was £25.
Fichead 's a còig notaichean. Is toil leam taidhean.
£25. I like ties.
Tha seacaid mar seo a’ cosg còig notaichean deug air-loidhne.
A jacket like this costs £15 online.