
Topic Introduction
Aodach agus dathan
Clothes and colours
Section 1
Dè bha orra?
What were they wearing?
Section 2
Roghainnean fasain agus beachdan
Fashion choices and opinions
Section 3
Section 4
Bruidhinn air na cheannaich thu roimhe
Talk about previous purchases
Section 5
Ceannachd - Dèanta!
Shopping - complete!
Section 6
Topic 10 Ceannachd Shopping
Snasail! This is another popular topic and it gives us a good foundation to talk about other important matters such as prices and to ask people their opinions.
You’ll learn how to:
- Discuss shopping
- Describe clothes
- Talk about what people are wearing
- Describe previous purchases
- Ask about and offer opinions
- Discuss prices
You’ll also learn about:
- Clothes
- Colours
- Prices
- Adjective order
- Bilingual transcription - Anns a’ phàirc: Aodach
- Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: Aodach