
Topic 3 (A2) Ràithean Seasons

Math fhèin!

We’ve already looked at the weather, but we will build this further in this topic. We will look at the seasons of the year and special days, festivals and making plans.

You’ll learn how to:

  • A’ bruidhinn air an aimsir san àm ri teachd | Talking about weather in the future
  • A’ faighneachd dè bhios daoine a’ dèanamh | Asking what people will be doing
  • A’ dèanamh phlanaichean airson amannan sònraichte den bhliadhna | Making plans for seasonal occasions
  • A’ bruidhinn air na ràithean as fheàrr le daoine is dè tha math mun deidhinn | Talking about favourite seasons and what’s so good about them
  • A’ faighneachd dè tha daoine a’ dol a dhèanamh aig diofar amannan | Asking what people are going to do
  • A’ bruidhinn air làithean sònraichte tron bhliadhna | Talking about special days through the year

You’ll also learn about: