More courses - Dèanta!

Barrachd chùrsaichean — Dèanta!

You should now be confident about:
  • a' cleachdadh ghinideach iolra airson bruidhinn mun ionnsachadh agad |  using plural genitives to talk about your learning.
You  also learned about:
  • An tuiseal ginideach iolra: neo-chinnteach agus cinnteach | genitive (possessive) plurals: indefinite and definite
Anabarrach math! You have learnt to talk about barrachd chùrsaichean (more courses) in Gaelic! Why not take this mini‑test to see how well you're doing?

Why not move on to talk about Bruidhinn na Gàidhlig (speaking Gaelic)?