Feuch e: I was never good with figures

Feuch e: Cha robh mise riamh math le figearan

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Cha robh mise riamh math le figearan. Ciamar a thachair sin?

I was never good with figures. How did that happen?

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Uill, nuair a bhios sinn a' bruidhinn mu atmhorachd, tha sinn mar as trice a' bruidhinn air mar a tha prìsean ag èirigh. Well, when we talk about inflation, we are usually talking about how prices are rising.
Uill, chan eil dìreach aon dòigh ann ìre na h-atmhorachd, cosgaisean bith-beò agus prìsean san fharsaingeachd a thomhas. Well, there isn't only one way to measure the rate of inflation, the cost of living and prices in general.
Chan eil sgot agamsa nas motha! Faighnicheamaid do Mhàiri! I haven't a clue either! Let's ask Màiri!