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Abairtean ionmhais

Finance phrases

In this lesson we’ll mostly be talking about present-day issues but in Gaelic we have had idioms related to money and finance for centuries.

Tha gròta a dhìth air an tastan air.

He’s not the full shilling.

Tha esan not a dhìth na sgillinn.

He’s not the full shilling.

Deich sgillinn an urra.

Ten pence each.

Cha ghabhadh e sgillinn ruadh no geal bhuam.

He wouldn’t take a penny from me.

Chosgadh sin deagh sgillinn.

That would cost a pretty penny.

Cuir luach nan ceudan not ris.

Value it at hundreds of pounds.

airson fiach not

for the sake of a pound


A bheil thu math le airgead?

Are you good with money?

A bheil rudan air a bheil thu nas fheàrr na rudan eile?

Are there things you are better at than others?

Dè do bheachd air fiachan? A bheil ìre an rèidh orra ro àrd?

What do you think about debt(s)? Is the interest rate on it (them) too high?

A bheil thu a’ tuigsinn an diofar eadar ìre na h-atmhorachd agus àrdachadh phrìsean?

Do you understand the difference between the inflation rate and price increases?

A bheil ìre an rèidh a’ toirt buaidh air do bheatha làitheil?

Does the rate of interest affect your daily life?