Complete for 2 points

Chaidh mi a-steach dhan bhaile

I went into the town

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It’s full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

Sin thu, Anna! Càit an robh thu? There you are, Anne! Where were you?
Chaidh mi a steach dhan bhaile tràth madainn an diugh. Thàinig Iain còmhla rium. Rug sinn air a’ bhus aig seachd agus ràinig sinn am baile aig leth uair an dèidh seachd. Rinn Iain seisean aig an ionad spòrs mus deach sinn dhan taigh thasgaidh. I went into the town early this morning. John came with me. We caught the bus at seven and we arrived at the bus station at half past seven. John did a session at the sports centre before we went to the museum.
Dè chunnaic sibh anns an taigh thasgaidh? What did you see at the museum?
Chunnaic sinn an taisbeanadh, Fasan nan Eilean san Fhicheadamh Linn. Am faca tu an taisbeanadh sin? Tha e cho inntinneach. We saw the exhibition, Fashion of the Islands in the Twentieth Century. Did you see that exhibition? It’s so interesting.
Chan fhaca. Chuala mi bho charaid gu bheil e iongantach. Thug e dhomh tiocaid airson a dhol ann, ach cha d’ fhuair mi an ùine fhathast. An do choinnich sibh ri duine sam bith eile? I haven’t/didn’t. I heard from a friend that it’s amazing, and gave me a ticket to go there, but I haven’t had the time yet. Did you meet anyone else?
Choinnich sinn ri Fionnlagh aig an ìomhaigh ùr anns a’ cheàrnaig. Bha esan a’ dol dhan ionad bhùthan faisg air meadhan a’ bhaile. We met Finlay at the new statue in the square. He was going to the shopping centre near the centre of town.
An deach sibh còmhla ris? Did you go with him?
Cha deach. Cha robh ùine ann. Ach chaidh mi a steach don bhùth ri taobh an taigh thasgaidh. We didn’t (go). There wasn’t time. But I went into the shop beside the museum.
An do cheannaich thu nì sam bith dhut fhèin an sin? Did you buy anything for yourself there?
Cheannaich mi lèine-t ùr. Thuirt mi ri Fionnlagh gun robh lèine-t bhuidhe an sin leis an ainm aige oirre, ach cha tuirt e facal. An uair sin dh’fhalbh e dhan stèisean. I bought a new t-shirt. I said to Finlay that there was a yellow t-shirt there with his name on it, but he didn’t say anything. Then he left for the station.
Dè rinn sibh an uair sin? What did you do then?
Chaidh sinn a steach dhan taigh òsta airson grèim bìdh bha an taigh seinnse ro thrang. Agus an uair sin thàinig sinn dhachaigh. Rinn sinn tòrr! Nach tig thu còmhla rinn an-ath thuras? We went into the hotel for a bite to eat the pub was too busy. And then we came home. We did loads! Won’t you come with us next time?
Thig! I will (come)!