Bilingual transcription - In the park: Food
Bilingual transcription - Anns a’ phàirc: Biadh
Friends Emma, Michael and Seonaidh catch up in the park and discuss food.
Feasgar math a Sheonaidh.
Good morning Johnny.
Halò a Mhìcheil. A bheil an t-acras ort?
Hello Michael. Are you hungry?
Tha an t-acras orm. Tha e uair feasgar. Seo lòn!
I am hungry. It’s 1pm. This is lunch.
Dè tha thu ag ithe?
What are you eating?
Tha mi ag ithe ceapaire le càise.
I’m eating a cheese sandwich.
Dè tha thu ag òl?
What are you drinking?
Tha mi ag òl tì.
I’m drinking tea.
‘S toil leam tì. Is toil leam cofaidh cuideachd ach ’s e tì as fheàrr leam.
I like tea. I like coffee too but I prefer tea.
Nach eil an t-acras oirbh?
Are you not hungry?
Chan eil an t-acras orm.
I’m not hungry.
An do dh’ith sibh biadh an-diugh?
Have you eaten food today?
Dh’ith. Dh’ith mi bracaist aig ochd uairean. Dh’ith mi brochan agus dh’òl mi tì.
Yes. I ate breakfast at 8 o’ clock. I ate porridge and I drank tea.
Dh’ith mise measan, iogart is tost, agus dh’òl mi cofaidh.
I ate fruit, yoghurt and toast, and I drank coffee.
Cha bhi mi ag ithe lòn. Bidh mi ag ithe bracaist agus bidh mi ag ithe dinnear.
I don’t eat lunch. I eat breakfast and I eat dinner.
Dè bhios sibh ag ithe a-nochd?
What will you be eating tonight?
Bidh mi ag ithe iasg agus buntàta. Is toil leam iasg.
I’ll be eating fish and potatoes. I like fish.
Dè bhios sibh ag òl?
What will you be drinking?
Bidh mi ag òl fìon geal. ’S e fìon geal as fheàrr leam. Dè bhios tu fhèin ag ithe a-nochd?
I’ll be drinking white wine. I prefer white wine. What will you be eating tonight?
Bidh mise ag ithe piotsa agus ag òl leann.
I’ll be eating pizza and drinking beer.
Leann agus piotsa? Uill, uill.
Beer and pizza. Well well.
Halò a Mhìcheil.
Hello Michael.
Halò Elsie. Dè bhios sibhse ag ithe airson dinnear a-nochd?
Hello Elsie. What will you be eating for dinner tonight?
Bidh mise ag ithe iasg is buntàta agus ag òl fìon geal. Is toil leam iasg agus is fìor thoil leam fìon geal.
I’ll be eating fish and potatoes and drinking white wine. I like fish and I really like white wine.