Biadh & Deoch
Food & Drink

Food & Drink
Biadh & Deoch
Topic Introduction
Tha sin nas fheàrr
That's better
Section 1
Bracaist, lòn agus dinnear
Breakfast, lunch and dinner
Section 2
Dh'ith mi cus!
I ate too much!
Section 3
Feumalachdan bìdh
Food requirements
Section 4
A’ toirt beachd seachad
Giving your opinion
Section 5
Biadh & Deoch - Dèanta!
Section 6
Topic 9 Biadh & Deoch Food & Drink
Mìorbhaileach (Marvellous)! This is our actual favourite topic and it gives us a good foundation to talk about other important factors such as what is the best food and give our opinion on other matters.
You’ll learn how to:
- Discuss hunger and thirst
- Discuss food and drink
- Talk and ask about your favourite foods
- Offer opinions
- Give comparisons
- Express preferences
You’ll also learn about:
- Food and drink items
- Meal times
- Bilingual transcription - Anns a’ phàirc: Biadh
- Bilingual transcription - Dachaigh ùr: Biadh