Complete for 2 points

Cuir dhìot do chòta

Take off your coat

We saw that we say cuir ort! (put on!) with the roimhear (preposition) air. We use the preposition de (off) to say cuir de! (take off!). It joins with the pronouns as we saw with the other prepositions: cuir sin dhìot (take that off).

de + midhìom
de + thudhìot
de + edheth
de + idhith
de + sinndhinn
de + sibhdhibh
de + iaddhiubh (not to be confused with dhuibh (to/for them)
An roimhear ‘de’

The preposition ‘off’

The preposition de (off, of) causes words following it to lenite and adds dh’ in front of a fuaimreag (vowel) in some dialects. Words beginning with the letter f + vowel will take dh’ + lenition.

Bha cuid de dhaoine sgìth.

Some (of) people were tired.

De becomes den/dhen when combined with the definite article:

Nach gabh thu balgam den tì agad?

Will you not take a sip of your tea?

a’ chiad phàirt dhen phrògram

the first part of the programme

The preposition de, just like do, can sometimes be reduced to a:

Thug an turas leth–uair a (de) thìde.

The trip took half an hour.

An do thog thu dealbh de sheinneadair ainmeil a–riamh?

Have you ever taken a photograph of a famous singer?

An do chuir thu dhìot do bhrògan anns an oifis a–riamh?

Have you ever taken your shoes off in the office?

An do ghabh thu balgam de chofaidh madainn an–diugh?

Did you have a sip of coffee this morning?

An do thog thu dealbhan de bhean na bainnse a–riamh?

Have you ever taken photographs of the bride?

Cia mheud de na leasanan SpeakGaelic a rinn thu thuige seo?

How many of the SpeakGaelic lessons have you done so far?