

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about A' bruidhinn air aodach (Talking about clothes). Let's look at some of them again in context.

Cuir dhìot do chòta
Take off your coat
Bha mi feumach air rud practaigeach, plèin, dìonach
I needed something practical, plain and waterproof
'S toigh leam an lèine–t agad!
I like your t–shirt!
Cho dathach is fasanta
So colourful and fashionable
'S toigh leam an stoidhle agad.
I like your style.
Am bi thu a' leantainn fasan?
Do you follow fashion?
A bheil fasan cudromach dhut?
Is fashion important to you?
Anns an fhasan
In fashion
Às an fhasan
Out of fashion/not in fashion
… gum bi mi ga leantainn
… that I follow/will follow it
Aodach leòmach, spaideil agus cosgail
Posh, smart and expensive clothes
A' leantainn na stoidhle agam fhèin
Following my own style
Fasan ann no às!
In or out of fashion.
Dè seòrsa aodaich as toigh leat?
What kind of clothes do you like?
Seann aodach snasail
Old elegant clothes
Ach tha mi coma!
But I'm not bothered about that [I'm indifferent to that.]
Cha cheannaichinn aodach ùr …
I wouldn't buy new clothing …
… air an dèanamh à snàithlichean nàdarra:
… made of natural fibres:
Clòimh, cotan agus anart
Wool, cotton and linen
Seacaid bhrèagha dhonn
A beautiful brown jacket
Cha robh dad ceàrr oirre ach toll beag sa mhuinchill.
The only thing wrong with it was a small hole in the sleeve.
An Clò Hearach [an Clò Mòr]
Harris Tweed

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.