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Bilingual transcription: Aodach ùr

Bilingual transcription: New clothes

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.


Dè mu dheidhinn gun tòisich sinn le ceist:

Càit am bi sibh a’ ceannach/ur cuid aodaich? Where do you buy your clothes? Càit am bi sibh a’ ceannach ur cuid aodaich?

Am bi sibh gan ceannach:

air–loidhne, online, air–loidhne,

air neo gan ceannach:

ann am bùithtean, in shops, ann am bùithtean,

When we’re talking about what people like, using an toil leat, we can ask, an toil leat:

aodach fheuchainn ort/mus ceannaich thu e? Do you like to try clothes on before you buy? aodach fheuchainn ort mus ceannaich thu e?

And in Gaelic, the word aodach is singular, just like clothing is in English.

Now, there’s always the danger that if you don’t try things on, you may have aodach:

nach eil/a’ fiotadh gu ceart, which don’t fit well, nach eil a’ fiotadh gu ceart.

If they don’t fit we use ro to explain why it doesn’t fit. It could be:

ro fhada, too long, ro fhada,

Or possibly, ro ghoirid, too short, ro ghoirid.

It could also be too big:

ro mhòr, ro mhòr,

air neo dh’fhaodadh e bhith ro bheag, too small, ro bheag.

Mar eisimpleir, if your trousers are too long, you would say:

Tha a’ bhriogais seo/ro fhada, Tha a’ bhriogais seo ro fhada. And it’s worth noting that briogais is both singular and feminine.

What about sleeves that don’t fit?

Tha na muinichillean/ro ghoirid, The sleeves are too short, Tha na muinichillean ro ghoirid.

If you want to say your jumper is too big, it’s:

Tha an geansaidh/ro mhòr dhomh. Tha an geansaidh ro mhòr dhomh.

If something doesn’t fit properly, to say we

need a different one, we use:

feumaidh, will need, feumaidh.

For masculine nouns you use the words

 feumaidh + fear. (and)

And for feminine nouns it’s, feumaidh + tè. (and)

We need to use the comparative form of the adjective like bigger, smaller or shorter.

Mar eisimpleir: If your jumper is too big, you would say:

Feumaidh mi/fear nas lugha I’ll need a smaller one. Feumaidh mi fear nas lugha.

And if your skirt is too short, you would say:

Feumaidh mi/tè nas fhaide. I’ll need a longer one. Feumaidh mi tè nas fhaide fhaighinn. I’ll need to get a longer one.