Different styles

Stoidhlean eadar-dhealaichte

Here we see two pictures in which the subjects are alike, but with a different style.

'The Blind Girl', 1856
Neach‑ealain: John Everett Millais
'Portrait of a Woman', 1638‑39
Neach‑ealain: Guido Reni

What do you think of them?

When talking about them, you can use the verbs and expressions we learned in this lesson.

Tha mise a' smaoineachadh gu bheil …
I think (I'm thinking) that …
Saoilidh mi …
I think …
'S e dealbh [buadhair] a th' ann.
It's a [adjective] painting …
Is toil leam …
I like …
Cha toil leam …
I don't like …
Tha mise a' smaoineachadh gu bheil dathan a' bhogha-fhroise a' samhlachadh dòchas anns an dealbh.
I think (I'm thinking) that the rainbow symbolises hope in the painting.
Saoilidh mi gu bheil iomsgaradh eadar an dealbh-cùil dorcha agus an dealbh-toisich soilleir.
I think there is contrast between the dark background and the light foreground.
'S e dealbh socair a th' ann.
It's a calm picture.
Is toil leam na dathan soilleir anns an dealbh.
I like the bright/light colours in the painting.
Cha toil leam an dealbh-cùil doilleir anns an dealbh seo.
I don't like the dark background in this painting.