Talking about detail

A' bruidhinn air mion obair

When we are giving a tuairisgeul (description) of a work of art, we must talk about the mion‑obair (detail) in the picture/painting. We can talk about the colours in it, or the depth of the picture or the subject of the pictures. There are many things that we can talk about. But, ultimately,  it’s the things we like and don't like which are most important to us when we talk about art.

Dathan an deilbh mhòir

Colours of the big picture

We saw the rules of the tuiseal ginideach (genitive or possessive case) in B1 Cuspair 4 . We learned that the adjective changes when it follows a noun in the genitive case.

fear mòr an fhuilt dhuibh fear mòr na feusaige duibhe
aodann a' bhoireannaich bhrèagha aodann na caileige bige
coltas an aodainn shnoig coltas na h‑aghaidhe bhrèagha
dathan an deilbh mhòir air beulaibh na tè mòire

Look again at the rules of the cases in Cuspair 4 if you need to.

aodann a' bhoireannaich bhàin (m)
the face of the fair woman
meud an fhèidh ruaidh (m)
the size of the red deer
doimhneachd an deilbh bhige (m)
the depth of the small painting
làmh an dorais ghil (m)
the handle of the white door
mullach na beinne guirme (f)
the top of the blue mountain
dath na h-eaglaise àirde (f)
the colour of the tall church
dèideag na nighinne/na h-ìghne òige (f)
the toy of the young girl
pòcaid na seacaide duibhe (f)
the pocket of the black jacket
Dè tha ceàrr air aodann a' bhoireannaich bhàin?
What is wrong with the face of the fair woman?
Am faca tu meud an fhèidh ruaidh?
Did you see the the size of the red deer?
Dè do bheachd air doimhneachd an deilbh bhige?
What do you think of the depth of the small painting?
Cò bhris làmh an dorais ghil?
Who broke the handle of the white door?
An do ràinig iad mullach na beinne guirme?
Did they reach the top of the blue mountain?
A bheil dath na h-eaglaise àirde dubh no donn?
Is the colour of the tall church black or brown?
Càit an do cheannaich i dèideag na nighinne/na h-ìghne òige?
Where did she buy the toy of the young girl?
An do chàirich e pòcaid na seacaide duibhe?
Did he mend the pocket of the black jacket?

Remember that we can use the adjectives which we learned in Pàirt 1 of this lesson to talk about pictures. Here are three more adjectives which we can also use.

domhain (adj)
deep, profound
tana (adj)
toinnte (adj)