Feuch e: There is a depth in the painting
Feuch e: Tha doimhneachd san dealbh
Your turn now. Answer the questions any way you like. There is no wrong answer here!

Dè an obair-ealain a b' fheàrr leat anns a' ghailearaidh ealaine?
What would be your favourite work of art in the art gallery?

'S e an dealbh le Salvador Dalí, 'Crìosda Naomh Eòin na Croise'. Chì thu e ann an Gailearaidh Ealaine Kelvingrove ann an Glaschu. It's the painting by Salvador Dalí, ' Christ of St John of the Cross'. You will see it in Kelvingrove Art Gallery in Glasgow.
'S e an ìomhaigh 'David' (no Daibhidh) aig Michaelangelo. Cumhachdach! It's Michaelangelo's sculpture 'David'. Powerful!
'S e 'Nighean le Bailiùn' le Banksy. Cho sìmplidh ach cho dàna. It's 'Girl with Balloon' by Banksy. So simple but so bold.