There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about A' mìneachadh obair ealaine (Explaining or interpreting a work of art). Let's look at some of them again in context.
An obair-ealain a b' fheàrr leat
Your favourite work of art
Le Salvador Dalí
By Salvador Dalí
'Crìosda Naomh Eòin na Croise'
'Christ of St John of the Cross'
Coltas an deilbh
The appearance of the picture
Dàna, dorcha agus doilleir
Bold, dark and dull
A dh'aindeoin sin/air an làimh eile
Despite that
Gleansach, socair agus soilleir
Lustrous, calm and bright
Tha doimhneachd san dealbh
There is a depth in the painting
Iomsgaradh eadar Ìosa Crìosda anns an dorchadas
Contrast between Jesus Christ in the darkness
Aig mullach an deilbh
At the top of the picture
Solas agus am bàgh ciùin leis a' bhàta bheag
Light and the calm bay with the little boat
Aig bonn an deilbh …
At the bottom of the picture …
An taobh solais a' tighinn sìos/tuiteam air
The direction of the light falling on him
Sealladh Dhè fhèin
God's own perspective
Suidheachadh a bhodhaige
The position of his body
Na gàirdeanan ann an triantan
The arms forming a triangle
A cheann mar chearcall
His head as a circle
A' samhlachadh na Trianaid
Symbolise the Holy Trinity
Meud an deilbh
The size of the picture
Dà mheatair a dh'àirde
Two metres high [in height]
Còrr is meatair a leud
More than a metre wide [in width]
Ìomhaigh umha
A bronze statue
Cò rinn sin?
Who made that?
An neach-ealain ainmeil Auguste Rodin
The famous artist Auguste Rodin
A' samhlachadh feallsanachd
Symbolises philosophy
We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.