Explaining or interpreting a work of art – Dèanta!

A' mìneachadh obair ealaine — Dèanta!

You should now be confident about:
  • A' mìneachadh obair ealaine | Explaining or interpreting a work of art
You should also be confident about:
  • Buadhairean leis na tuislean—dathan an deilbh mhòir | Adjectives with the cases—dathan an deilbh mhòir
Glan! You have learnt to talk about A' mìneachadh obair ealaine (Explaining or interpreting a work of art) in Gaelic! Why not take this mini‑test to see how well you're doing?

Why not move on to talk about Ag obair air dealbhadh còmhla (Working on pictures together)?