There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Na tha math dhut ( What's good for you ). Let's look at some of them again in context.
B' fheudar dhomh cuideam a chall
I had to lose weight
tinneas an t-siùcair
Is fhiach e spòrs ùr a thòiseachadh
It's worth starting a new sport
Nan dèanainn barrachd ruith …
If I run more …
… chaillinn cuideam
… I'll lose weight
'S fheudar dhomh seo a dhèanamh
I have to do this
Abair laoch!
What a hero!
mean air mhean
little by little, gradually
Bu bheag orm èirigh tràth sa mhadainn
I hated getting up early in the morning
is fhiach e
it's worth it
Ghabh mi ùidh ann am/ann an
I became interested in
gu dealasach
avidly, enthusiastically
An fhiach e?
Is it worth it?
Am b' fhiach e …?
Was it worth it …?
B' fhiach e gu dearbh
It really was worth it
'S fheudar dhut … a nochdadh
You have to show …
sgil, fallaineachd agus èasgaidheachd
skill, fitness and enthusiasm
… gun robh mòran tuiteamais agam
... that I had much of a chance
… gun do shoirbhich mi
… that I was successful
cha mhòr nach robh mi a' caoineadh
I nearly cried
Cha b' e ruith leam ach leum!
I jumped at it!
We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.