You'd better start

'S fheàrr dhut tòiseachadh

We have seen modal expressions many times in the course and if we want to talk about the things that are good for us, model expressions will be useful again.

Look at the sentences here:

'S fheàrr dhut barrachd eacarsaich a dhèanamh aig an taigh.
You had better do more exercise at home.
'S fhiach e brògan ruithe ùra a cheannach.
Buying new running shoes is worth it .
'S fheudar dhomh na fèithean a shìneadh.
I have to stretch the muscles.

Do you know how to put those sententences into the past or conditional tense with bu ?

Seo dhut na freagairtean!

Here are the answers!

B' fheàrr dhut barrachd eacarsaich a dhèanamh aig an taigh.
You should have done more exercise at home.
B' fhiach e brògan ruithe ùra a cheannach.
Buying new running shoes was worth it.
B' fheudar dhomh na fèithean a shìneadh.
I had to stretch the muscles.