The copula again

An ceanglaiche a-rithist

We can use an ceanglaiche (the copula): is  and  bu , with adjectives.

We saw this in Cuspair 6 where we learned about empathy:

Bu bheag orm …
I hated …
Is truagh leam …
I pity …
An ceanglaiche: Is, Bu

The copula: Is, Bu

We learned very early in the A1 course that Gaelic has two ways to use the verb 'is, (to) be'—the verbs bi ( tha, bha, bidh ) and is/bu .

This second form, is , is known in linguistics as an ceanglaiche (the copula), as it is used to link nouns, pronouns, or adjectives directly—to define things.

To make simple statements or descriptions we use bi in its different tenses.

Tha am balach sgìth.
The boy is tired.
'S e balach sgìth a th' ann.
He is a tired boy.
Bha an duine gasta.
The person was excellent.
B' e duine gasta a bh' ann.
He was an excellent person.

We learned in A2 and B1 that we can use is ann agus b' ann with prepositions and verbs for emphasis:

Tha mi à Alba.
I am from Scotland.
'S ann à Alba a tha mi.
It is from Scotland that I am.
Bha mi a' bruidhinn riut.
I was talking to you.
B' ann riutsa a bha mi a' bruidhinn.
It was to you I was talking.
Chaidh mi dhachaigh sa bhad.
I went home.
'S ann a chaidh mise dhachaigh sa bhad.
(It is that) I went home immediately.

Throughout the course we have seen examples of is and bu used directly with nouns and adjectives in compounds, is urrainn , bu toil , is fheàrr , is mòr and so on.

This type of structure give us some very useful phrases, often with negatives cha or nach , and commonly in double negative phrases.

is mòr …
great is …
'S mòr am beud.
It’s a great pity, more's the pity.
'S mòr a b' fheàrr leam …
I would greatly prefer …
cha mhòr (nach) …
almost …
Tha mi cha mhòr deiseil.
I am almost ready.
Cha mhòr nach eil mi deiseil.
I am almost ready.
Cha mhòr nach do thuit e air a bheul fodha!
He almost fell face first!
is beag …
little is …
Is beag an t–iongnadh
It's little wonder, No wonder
cha bheag …
not little is …
Cha bheag sin.
That's no small thing.
is gann …
scarce is …
'S gann gun do thuig mi facal.
I hardly understood a word.
Bu ghann gun creidinn e!
I could scarcely believe it!
cha ghann …
not scarce is …
Cha ghann droch naidheachd.
There's no shortage of bad news.
Cha bu ghann na h–oileanaich.
There was no lack of students.