Complete for 2 points

Nach robh siud rud beag mì–mhodhail?

Wasn't that a little rude?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Mar sin, bhuannaich sibh bonn òir ann an co–fharpais aig ìre eadar–nàiseanta. Nach math a rinn sibh! So, you won a gold medal in an international competition. Didn’t you do well!
Uill, ‘s e slighe fhada a th’ air a bhith ann agus thòisich i ceithir bliadhna ro na geamannan sin. Well, it’s been a long journey and it started four years before these games.
Nach innis thu dhuinn mar a thachair e? Won’t you tell us how it happened?
Cha robh mise ach òg aig an àm sin. B’ fheudar dhomh cuideam a chall. Bha an dotair ag innse dhomh gun robh mi mì–fhallain. I was only young at the time. I had to lose weight. The doctor was telling me that I was unhealthy.
Nach robh siud rud beag mì–mhodhail? Wasn’t that a little rude?
Cha robh ri linn ‘s gun robh mi a’ fulang tinneas an t–siùcair. Thuirt mi rium fhèin: ‘Is fhiach e spòrs ùr a thòiseachadh.’ No (it wasn’t) because I was suffering from diabetes. I said to myself: ‘It’s worth starting a new sport.’
Mar as tràithe a thòisicheas tu, ‘s ann as fheàrr! Dè thachair an uair sin? The earlier you start, the better! What happened then?
Shaoil mi: ‘Nan dèanainn barrachd ruith chaillinn cuideam. ‘S fheudar dhomh seo a dhèanamh—dhomh fhìn!’ I thought: ‘If I run more I’ll lose weight. I have to do this—for myself!’
Abair laoch! Ciamar a fhuair thu àite ann an sgioba na h–Alba, ma–thà? What a hero! How did you get a place in the Scotland team, then?
B’ fheudar dhomh tòiseachadh mean air mhean. Bu bheag orm èirigh tràth sa mhadainn. Ach thuirt mi rium fhèin: ‘is fhiach e!’ Ghabh mi ùidh ann am bobhladh, agus chùm mi orm gu dealasach. I had to start little by little. I hated getting up early in the morning. But I said to myself: ‘it’s worth it!’ I became interested in bowling, and I kept going avidly.
Agus an fhiach e? Am b’ fhiach e aig a’ cheann thall? And is it worth it? Was it worth it in the end?
B’ fhiach e gu dearbh. ‘S fheudar dhut sgil, fallaineachd agus èasgaidheachd a nochdadh. Cha robh mi a’ smaoineachadh gun robh mòran tuiteamais agam. It really was worth it. You have to show skill, fitness and enthusiasm. I didn’t think I had much of a chance.
Dè rinn thu nuair a chuala tu gun do ghlèidh thu àite ann an sgioba na h–Alba? What did you do when you heard that you had won a place in the Scotland team?
Nuair a chuala mi gun do shoirbhich mi, cha mhòr nach robh mi a’ caoineadh. Cha b’ e ruith leam ach leum! When I heard that I was successful, I nearly cried. I jumped at it!