Idioms – Dèanta!
Gnàthasan-cainnte — Dèanta!
You should now be confident about:
- Coimeasan dealbhach | Descriptive comparisons
- Gnàthasan‑cainnte | Idioms
- gnàthasan‑cainnte: ghabh iad an tràigh orra. | idioms: they took to the beach (went to the beach).
- gnàthasan‑cainnte: rinn iad air an tràigh. | idioms: they made for/headed for the beach.
- gnàthasan‑cainnte: thog iad orra dhan tràigh. | idioms: they set off for (took themselves off to) the beach.
- gnàthasan‑cainnte: rinn iad às dhan tràigh. | idioms: they made off for the beach.
Why not move on to talk about Càirdeas teaghlaich (Family relationships)?