As tired as a dog
Cho sgìth ris a' chù
Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you're happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!
Tha mi cinnteach gu bheil am fear sin cho
I am certain that that man is as
salach ri muc
dirty as a pig
sgìth ri seann chù
as tired as an old dog
sgìth ris a’ chù
tired as a dog
maol ri ugh
bald as an egg
faoin ris na faoileagan
daft as the seagulls
faoin ris na h-uiseagan
daft as the skylarks
sean ri cnoc
old as a hillock
sean ri beinn
old as the hills
salach ris a’ mhuic
as dirty as a pig
sona ris an rìgh
as happy as a king