There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Gnàthasan‑cainnte (Idioms). Let's look at some of them again in context.
Come on!
Tog ort!
Move it!
togamaid oirnn dhan tràigh
let's set off [take ourselves off] to the beach
cho sgìth ris a' chù
as tired as the dog
cho sgìth ri seann chù
as tired as an old dog
beagan àile
some air
gabhaidh sinn an tràigh oirnn
we'll take to the beach
rinn sinn air an tràigh
we made for the beach
horrible, miserable, nasty, inclement [of weather]
thog iadsan orra dhan tràigh
they've set off for the beach
a' cur m' aghaidh air an tràigh
facing (heading for) the beach
cho aosta ri ceò nam beann
as old as the mist of the hills [mountains]
cho sean ri cnoc
as old as a small hill [hillock]
cho faoin ris na faoileagan
as daft as the seagulls
cho faoin ris na h-uiseagan
as daft as the skylarks
We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.