Feuch e: We'll take to the beach!

Feuch e: Gabhaidh sinn an tràigh oirnn!

Your turn now. Answer the questions any way you like. There is no wrong answer here!

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Tiugainn, Iain. Tog ort! Togamaid oirnn dhan tràigh.

Come on, John. Move it! Let's set off [take ourselves off] to the beach.

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Och tha mi sgìth an diugh. Cho sgìth ris a' chù. A dh'innse na fìrinn, tha mi cho sgìth ri seann chù! Och I'm tired today. As tired as a dog. To tell the truth, I'm as tired as an old dog.
Thalla! Cha bhi mi a' togail orm a dh'àite sam bith. Get away! I will not be 'moving it' anywhere.
Sgoinneil! Nach togamaid oirnn an dràsta fhèin! Brilliant! Let's [Shall we not] take ourselves off to the beach!