Glè and others
Glè is eile
We know that we can use glè to mean very and it causes lenition.
glè shnog
very pleasant, pretty
Other phrases can also be used to add emphasis. These do not cause lenition.
gu math snog
really pleasant, pretty
terrible, awful
uabhasach snog
awfully pleasant, pretty
uabhasach grànda
awfully horrible, ugly
’S e duine gu math gasta a th’ ann an Dòmhnall.
Donald is a very nice man.
’S e boireannach uabhasach mì-mhodhail a th’ innte.
She’s an awfully cheeky woman.
’S e duine gu math glic a th’ ann an Pàdraig.
Peter is a very wise man.
’S e boireannach uabhasach còir a th’ innte.
She’s an awfully kind woman.