Highland Wedding

Banais Ghàidhealach 

The Gaels have had and still have their own unique marriage customs. We can hear some of these customs and practices on the website of Tobar an Dualchais . Let's learn some new vocabulary connected to these customs. 

an rèiteach (m)
wedding arrangement
an dubhadh (m)
the blackening
an còrdadh (m)
an tochradh (m)
the dowry

There are three tachartasan (events) which were common at Gaelic weddings which perhaps weren't normal outwith the Highlands, an rèiteach , an còrdadh , and an dubhadh

Why don't you have a go at reading this out to yourself! Or if you have a Gaelic speaking/learning friend, you could each take turns. It will be fun—siuthad!  

Bhiodh na cleachdaidhean–pòsaidh rud beag eadar–dhealaichte ann an diofar sgìrean, uaireannan bhiodh an còrdadh ann an toiseach, agus an uair sin an rèiteach 's dòcha seachdain ron bhanais. Ann an cuid de sgìrean ge–tà, bhiodh an còrdadh a' gabhail àite air oidhche an rèitich. Tha an dubhadh fhathast cumanta ann an Alba far am bi a’ chàraid a bhios a' pòsadh air an dubhadh le rudan salach is air an toirt tron sgìre. 

How did you get on? 

The marriage customs would be slightly different in different areas, sometimes the betrothal would take place first, and then the wedding arrangement perhaps a week before the wedding. In some areas however, the betrothal would take place on the night of the wedding arrangement. The blackening is still common in Scotland where the couple who will be marrying are blackened with dirt and taken through the local area. 

There is good information on Tobar an Dualchais about wedding customs in Grimsay. There is a simple story with transcription and accompanying questions and worksheets.