Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Theab mi a dhol à cochall mo chridhe!

Take two: I nearly jumped out of my skin!

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Am faca tu a–riamh Na h–Eich–uisge, na cruthan–ealain eadar an Eaglais Bhreac agus Inbhir Ghrainnse? Have you ever seen the Kelpies, the sculptures between Falkirk and Grangemouth?
Chunnaic gu dearbh. Nach eil iad eireachdail? I certainly have [seen]. Aren’t they beautiful/handsome?
Tha gun teagamh sam bith. Bidh mi smèideadh riutha a h–uile turas a bhios mi a’ dol seachad orra! They are, without a doubt. I wave to them every time I go past them!
Tha iad a’ toirt orm a bhith a’ cuimhneachadh nan sgeulachdan os–nàdarra a leugh mi agus a chuala mi nuair a bha mi beag. They remind me of [‘they make me remember’] the supernatural stories I read and heard when I was wee.
Bha mise cho measail air na sìthichean. Bha mi làn–chreidsinn gun robh iad a’ fuireach anns a’ chraoibh aig ceann a’ ghàrraidh! I was so fond of the fairies. I totally believed that they were living in the tree at the end of the garden!
B’ e an rud a b’ annasaiche agus eagalaiche dhomh na sgeulachdan ùraisgean a bh’ aig mo sheanmhair. The strangest and scariest thing for me was my granny’s stories of/about the brownies.
Cha robh thu gan creidsinn, an robh? You didn’t believe them, did you?
Gu cinnteach bha mi gan creidsinn leis gun robh daoine ag ràdh nach gabhadh ùraisgean faicinn ach le daoine aig an robh an dà–shealladh. I certainly did believe them because people said that brownies could only be seen by those who had second sight.
Agus an robh sin a’ cur an eagail ort? And did that frighten you?
Bha gu dearbh, agus tha mi cinnteach gum faca mi fear turas. Theab mi a dhol à cochall mo chridhe! It did indeed, and I’m sure that I saw one once. I nearly jumped out of my skin!
Uill bha rud a chuir an dearg eagal ormsa: mo sheanair ag ràdh ‘beiridh an t–seilche ort!’ Well there was a thing that really terrified me: my grandfather saying: ‘the loch-monster will get you!’
Dè rinn sibh an uair sin? What did you do then?
Bhiodh sinn a’ ruith a–steach don taigh aig peilear ar beatha agus bhiodh sinn modhail—airson greiseag co–dhiù! We’d run into the house as fast as we could and we’d behave—for a while anyway!