Belief - Dèanta!

Creideamh - Dèanta!

Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!

Math fhèin! You should now be confident in the following:
  • a' bruidhinn mu na creideamhan agam agus adhbharan a thoirt seachad air an son | talking about my beliefs and give reasons for them
  • a' faighneachd do dhaoine eile mu na creideamhan aca | asking others about their beliefs
  • ag ràdh gu bheil/gum bi mi a' leantainn creideamh sònraichte no nach eil/nach bi | saying if I follow a particular religion or not
  • ag aithneachadh ghnìomhairean airson òrdughan a thoirt do bhuidhnean | recognising verbs used to give commands to groups
  • a bhith eòlach air cuid de dh'abairtean is clisgridhean cràbhach cumanta | being familiar with some common religious expressions and exclamations