As you’d expect the Gaels have many expressions connected to faith and we can see some of these below. You should hear this often because expressions like this are very common in Gaelic speakers’ everyday language.
Gum beannaicheadh Dia thu
God bless you
Dia na thoiseach!
God willing!
Ma cheadaicheas an Cruthaidhear
If the Creator allows
Thig an Donas air iomradh
Speak of the Devil
Na leigeadh Dia!
Heaven forbid! [lit. God forbid!]
An Donas ort!
Go to hell! [The Devil on you!]
Mac an Donais!
Damn it! [lit. Son of the Devil!]
Dè an Donas?
What the Devil?
Aig Dia tha fios!
Heaven knows! [lit. God knows!]
A Thighearna!/Thì
Good Lord!/God, Jesus!
A Dhia nan Gràsan!
Good God! [lit God of the Graces]
air sgàth an Tì mhath
for Heaven’s/goodness’ sake
Gun sealladh Dia ort!
for goodness’ sake!/god help you!
A Mhoire!
Why don’t you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking/learning friend, you could do this together. If you don’t—no problem—you can have double the fun!
Talk (or think) about the expressions above. You can use these questions as a guide to get you going. Siuthad!
Dè do bheachd air mallachadh?
What do you think of swearing?
A bheil thu den bheachd gu bheil abairtean mar seo mì–mhodhail?
Do you think expressions like this are impolite/rude?
An cleachdadh tu abairtean mar seo?
Would you use expressions like these?
Cò an fheadhainn a chleachdadh tu?
Which of them would you use?
Cò an fheadhainn nach cleachdadh tu agus carson?
Which ones would you not use/avoid and why?
A bheil abairtean mallachd nas miosa sa Bheurla no sa Gàidhlig?
Are there worse expressions for swearing in English or in Gaelic?