There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Anns a' Chidsin (In the kitchen). Let's look at some of them again in context.
An ann a' fuine no a' còcaireachd a tha thu?
Are you [is it] baking or cooking [that you are]?
… leis gum bi Anna agus Fionnlagh a' tighinn gu dinnear.
… because Anna and Finlay are coming to dinner.
Tha mi a' sgrìobhadh reasabaidh ùr.
I'm writing a new recipe.
'S e reasabaidh airson cèic Madeira a th’ ann.
It's a recipe for Madeira cake.
Bidh feum agam air mòran grìtheidean.
I need a lot of ingredients.
Bidh feum agad air: trì buidheagain.
You will need: three egg yolks.
A bheil uighean agad a–staigh?
Do you have eggs [in/at home]?
… ìm; min–fhlùr: feumaidh mi dà cheud gram dhen sin; min–maoise—feumaidh mi leth–cheud/caogad gram.
… butter, flour—I need two hundred grams of that; cornflour—I need fifty grams [of that].
Agus feumaidh mi ceud gu leth gram de shiùcar, agus craiteachan de shalann.
And I need a hundred and fifty grams of sugar, and a sprinkling of salt.
Na dìochuimhnich am bainne!
Don't forget the milk!
Feumaidh mi a dhol dhan bhùth airson brìgh bhanilla.
I will have to go to the shop for vanilla essence.
Chan fheum mi ach spàin–tì, ach tha i blasta.
I only need [don't need but] a teaspoonful, but it's tasty.
Feumaidh mi rùsg liomaide.
I need lemon rind.
We'll catch up with some more of these and add some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.