Bilingual transcription: If
Bilingual transcription: Nan/nam
Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.
There are several ways of expressing 'if' in Gaelic.
Ma is used in the present, past or future.
Ma tha thu deiseil, togaidh sinn oirnn.
If you're ready, we'll get going.
And in the future tense, a verb after 'ma' takes the '-as' ending.
Ma chanas iad dad, innsidh mi dhut.
If they say anything, I'll tell you.
But with the conditional verb, when talking about a hypothetical situation, we use not ma but nan.
Nan dèanadh tu sin, bhiodh iad gu math taingeil.
If you were to do that, they would be very grateful.
In Gaelic, both verbs of a conditional, hypothetical sentence, need to be in the conditional tense:
the verb after nan and the verb in the main statement.
Whereas in English, the verb in the 'if' clause is often in the past tense.
If you did that, they would be grateful.
But in Gaelic, 'nan dèanadh tu sin'.
Or, I'd be pleased if you came to dinner.
Bhithinn toilichte nan tigeadh tu gu dinnear.
Not, ma thàinig thu, but nan tigeadh tu.